•  10/03/2023 12:45 PM

We have garnered an opportunity to undertake a project in Machakos County to empower persons with albinism through inclusive policies and services, post-COVID 19. Among our many objectives, we aim to review, analyze and propose better policies that cushion persons with albinism to survive post the pandemic in Machakos County.

  •  10/02/2023 10:30 AM

We celebrate Liliane Fonds for their superb job in advocacy and creating awareness about albinism through their project, The Albinism INclusion (ALINC). With this project, they focused on promoting equal rights and opportunities for children with albinism.

  •  09/29/2023 03:00 PM

We celebrate the deaf awareness month together with the deaf community as we call on the albinism community to follow in the footsteps of the deaf community in pushing for a whole month dedicated to celebrating persons with albinism and pushing for albinism advocacy and awareness.

  •  09/28/2023 02:20 PM

We highlight on the event we hosted to review the climate change action program we have been undertaking in conjunction with representatives form the US Embassy.

  •  09/25/2023 11:00 AM

We celebrate Advantage Africa for their noble course in empowering persons with albinism in Busoga, Uganda through a number of initiatives under their project "Improving the lives of persons with albinism."

  •  09/20/2023 12:50 PM

After Four years of missing in action. Meek Junior is back. Why the hiatus? What is new with him? What's his story? That and so much more in this article.

  •  09/12/2023 12:30 PM

We delve into the $23Billion funding pledged during the Africa Climate Summit 2023; The big question being if marginalized groups will benefit from the funding or the scenes will be similar to that of the summit whereby vulnerable groups were completely sidelined.

  •  09/11/2023 01:00 PM

We are celebrating Jane Waithera, the co-founder of two initiatives, Positive Exposure Kenya and Climb for Albinism, for championing the rights of persons with albinism and creating awareness around Albinism.

  •  09/05/2023 12:15 PM

Salif Keiter is best known as the Golden Voice of Africa due to his prolific career in music. We delve into the nitty gritty of his life story. Also, we highlight his efforts to create awareness about Albinism and advocate for the rights of People With Albinism over the years.

  •  09/05/2023 11:30 AM

Communication around People With Albinism (PWAs) should be considerate, inclusive and well-guided. Language that falsely interprets albinism and degrades Persons with Albinism should be avoided at all costs.

  •  08/31/2023 12:00 PM

The Maasai culture is undoubtedly the most revered cultures in Kenya. It's rise to fame has been a birth of prominence, awareness and representation. If Albinism were to be accorded the same regard as the Maasai culture, it would absolutely be in a better space in the society than it is right now.

  •  07/10/2023 10:09 AM

Explore the stunning categories at Catwalks for Climate Advocacy, where fashion, inclusivity, and environmental consciousness collide. From traditional wear to protective clothing, creative ensembles, and dinner wear, each category celebrates diversity and highlights the urgent need for climate action. Discover how this remarkable event empowers individuals with albinism and promotes a sustainable future.