20 Sep

They say Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility. Poetry has a way of captivating audiences through words, sound and rhythm, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of listeners. One such poet is Meek Junior, a Kenyan poet who is now making a triumphant comeback after four years of missing in action. His hiatus from the industry is a story of self-discovery, re-discovery, resilience, building and going back to his first love-poetry.


The last time we grandly heard from Meek Junior was back in 2019 when he was riding high on the wave of success through projects like "24 in 254" and had prior graced stages such as the Blaze Summit. His poetic prowess was on demand, he performed at various events, leaving his listeners, followers and fanatics thirsty for more. Then, he vanished.

Black Albinism’s sit down with Meek illuminates the fact that he was not simply idling away. He explains that he embarked on a journey of self-discovery and re-discovery, a quest to understand himself better. Upon graduating from campus in 2019, he found himself grappling with existential crisis, which is common with fresh graduates. Despite appearing successful on the surface level, he says he felt a void within himself, as if he were doing a lot but achieving nothing meaningful at the same time, a paradox.


 For Meek Junior, the four years of self-imposed exile were about finding his true identity, purpose and passion. Meek graduated from Machakos University with a bachelor's degree in Gender and Development Studies. During the four-year break, he established that he wanted to pursue nothing in line with his degree and diverted to the media space. He is now a videographer, photographer and creative director in his own media company. Be as it may, the creative side of him was still beckoning to be released. However, he was waiting for the “perfect time”. While on this wait, he encountered a life-altering event in 2022- an accident that shook him to his core. It was a stark reminder of life's brevity, and he knew he couldn't delay his return to poetry any longer. He realized that waiting for the "perfect time" to return to poetry was an illusion, Thus Renaissance.


Meek Junior's renaissance is not just about his return to poetry; it's also about his commitment to promoting mental health awareness. Having navigated his own share of mental health huddles, he understands the nitty gritty of a negative headspace and what can be done to mitigate it. So much so, that he has been tapping into therapy and its power to heal. In a world where therapy is not so much embraced especially by African men, Meek is one of the few who openly embraces the value of therapy. He believes that therapy can heal, from experience. The Renaissance concert which will be held on 23rd September 2023 at Semara Hotels in Machakos County, will be about blending old wineskins with new ones. In essence, he will be showcasing his work as well as giving a taste of what to expect in the foreseeable future.


 His journey into the world of verses began at the age of 16 when he was transferred from a special school to a regular one, a transition that was far from smooth. Unlike the special school where he felt at home, understood and accepted, in this new school it was different. He was different. He stood out, and that was the beginning of a rough high school experience. Being different unfortunately attracted bullies. He vividly remembers that during play time, the kids at his school would surround him, ridicule him and make fun of him. He struggled to belong. He had nobody in whom he could confide in and that is when he began penning down his emotions. 

Words became his solace, and through them, he found healing and wholeness. The words then birthed his then untapped art in poetry and that was the genesis of it all. Poetry became a haven. Meek has unique, diverse and immense styles of writing and relaying his verses. One outstanding thing however is that he incorporates God in his pieces. It is rare. He says he loves God. God has been with him in the hills and valleys. Thus, his poetry is a way of expressing gratitude and acknowledging this divine presence in his life.

Championing Albinism Awareness

 Meek Junior is no stranger to discrimination and exclusion due to being a person with albinism. He has had his fair share. His personal experiences have fueled his passion for creating awareness about albinism and advocating for inclusion and acceptance through his art. When we asked why he thinks that the conversation around Albinism has not yet exponentially shifted, he says its due to the mere fact that people lack human decency to respect, accept and equally treat persons with albinism. Further, he has an intriguing idea to propagate more albinism awareness. Meek suggests that it would be prudent if the government established a unit in colleges and universities dedicated to shedding light on the plight of people with albinism and the broader disability community. This, he believes, would go a long way in fostering understanding and support for individuals with albinism.

Meek Junior's journey is not just about poetry; it's about using his voice to illuminate the challenges faced by those with albinism, promote mental health, and inspire a new generation of poets and artists. His return from a four-year hiatus represents not just a comeback but a renaissance- a revival of purpose, passion, and the power of words to heal and transform lives. As he steps back into the spotlight, Meek Junior serves as a reminder that the best time to embrace your calling and make a difference is now, “perfect time” is an illusion.

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