Climate change is a global issue that affects everyone, but People with albinism may be more vulnerable to its impacts. PWAs  are at a higher risk due to their sensitivity to UV radiation, which has been exacerbated by changes in the Earth's atmosphere. In three arid and semi-arid counties in Kenya: Machakos, Kitui, and Kajiado, we investigate the level of awareness of the impact of climate change among people with albinism.
The project seeks to increase knowledge and awareness of the impact of climate change on PWAs among health care workers and locally based disability climate change champions, to improve parents and caregivers skills in caring for children with albinism, and to work with people with albinism and their communities in increasing tree coverage in their locations.


Zippie Ntininie

Kajiado County

Jerita Mutinda

Machakos County

Faith Joseph

Kitui County

  •  08/25/2023 09:00 AM

Black Awareness has acquired funding for its protective clothing project from NCPWD. Through the project, we aim to empower PWAs financially, create further awareness on black Albinism as well as advocate for the rights of PWAs. This project is also a leeway for us to include the general public in our vision to push for Albinism to be given a seat at the societal table as opposed to it being viewed as a community-based issue.

  •  08/22/2023 09:00 AM

Delve into the intersection of climate change and albinism in Kenya, as Black Albinism embarks on a journey across three diverse counties - Murang’a, Kisumu, and Mombasa. Discover the challenges faced by Persons With Albinism (PWAs) in these regions, their resilience, and the urgent need for awareness and inclusivity.

  •  06/26/2023 09:00 AM

Discover how Black Albinism organization in Kenya is tackling the intersection of climate change and the well-being of individuals with albinism. Explore their ongoing project supported by the US Embassy in Nairobi, aimed at raising awareness, assessing challenges, and developing strategies to mitigate the effects of climate change. Learn about their expansion to Mombasa, Kisumu, and Muranga, where they promote inclusive livelihoods and empower individuals with albinism to thrive resiliently amidst a changing climate. Join us in advocating for the inclusion of persons with albinism in climate change adaptation and creating lasting change for a more resilient future.

  •  03/20/2023 09:47 AM

This article sheds light on the Albinism Sunscreen Support Program in Kenya, which offers much-needed protection to persons with albinism against skin cancer caused by exposure to high levels of ultraviolet radiation. The program has made significant strides in providing sunscreen to PWAs across various counties in Kenya, and this article outlines how to access these services. Additionally, the article acknowledges the importance of the program and the need for more efforts to be made towards serving more people with albinism. It also highlights the role of Black Albinism in ensuring that the project concept is aligned with the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

  •  03/08/2023 01:18 PM

This article highlights the valuable contributions made by women from marginalized communities, including those with disabilities, women of color, and indigenous women, to community building. Despite facing significant challenges such as discrimination and exclusion, these women bring unique perspectives and experiences that drive positive change. The article advocates for promoting equality and inclusion to inspire and empower more women to participate in community building.

  •  02/28/2023 10:31 AM

SKIN CARE FOR PEOPLE WITH ALBINISM: CHALLENGES AND an informative article that offers practical tips and product recommendations for people with albinism to achieve healthy and flawless skin. The article covers everything from daily skincare routines to the best sunscreen products and make-up tips. It also highlights the unique challenges faced by people with albinism and offers helpful solutions. Whether you have albinism or want to learn more about skincare, this guide is a must-read.

  •  01/15/2023 07:27 PM

This article explores the science of albinism, a rare genetic condition characterized by a lack of melanin. It delves into the genetic basis, physical and visual challenges and its prevalence on the African continent.

  •  01/05/2023 01:08 PM

The article discusses the connection between albinism and climate change, and how people with albinism may be particularly vulnerable to the negative impacts of a warming planet. It highlights the risks of increased UV radiation and extreme weather events for people with albinism, and the importance of increasing awareness about these issues in regions where people with albinism have historically faced harsh weather conditions. The article also mentions a project being implemented by the Black albinism organizations and the US Embassy in Nairobi to assess the current level of knowledge about climate change and its effects on people with albinism in three counties in Kenya, and to develop training and education programs to increase understanding and protect this vulnerable population