03 Oct

In many parts of the world, People With Albinism (PWAs) have endured a long history of discrimination, prejudice, and social exclusion. These challenges have been fueled by illiteracy, deeply ingrained cultural beliefs, myths and misconceptions associating albinism with negative traits and even worse, supernatural powers. For this reason, persons with albinism are more often than not in danger and on the receiving end of backlash, exclusion, discrimination and being treated unfairly. In Machakos county, the narrative is similar.

The above mentioned is the norm around albinism. When COVID 19 caused havoc in the country, these issues escalated, more like salt to injuries. Discrimination and exclusion have prevented PWAs from fully participating in society, hindering their access to education, employment, healthcare, and basic human rights worldwide. With COVID-19 showing its face back in 2020 all the way to 2022, these issues escalated, more like salt to injuries. The economic downturn disproportionately affected people with disabilities, including those with albinism, who were already struggling to access essential services before the pandemic. COVID-19 was hard for everyone but some people like persons with albinism had it rougher on them.

A person with albinism wearing a branded mask advocating for the rights of persons with albinism during the pandemic.

A person with albinism wearing a branded mask advocating for the rights of persons with albinism during the pandemic.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Black Albinism undertook several impactful projects, one of which was the "A Mask for a Match" initiative. The primary objective of this project was to raise awareness about the importance of mask-wearing during the pandemic while also advocating for the rights and well-being of persons with albinism (PWAs). It is regrettable that during the pandemic, PWAs faced stigmatization and baseless accusations of being carriers of COVID-19, further exacerbating the discrimination they already endured. This unfounded blame added to the immense challenges faced by PWAs, who were already marginalized and struggling to access essential services. To combat this injustice and give voice to PWAs, Black Albinism utilized its YouTube channel to amplify their experiences and shed light on the discrimination they faced. This effort not only highlighted the unfair treatment but also aimed to challenge misconceptions and promote understanding and empathy during a challenging period for all.

Two persons with albinism facing each other while wearing masks.

Two persons with albinism facing each other while wearing masks.

Now with the pandemic long gone. Some dusting up needs to be done. Some picking of broken glasses needs to be done. Recuperation is still ongoing, especially for persons with albinism. For this reason, Black Albinism saw it fit to change the narrative for PWAs in Machakos County, Kenya post covid through our most recent project "Empowering PWAs through Inclusive Policies and Services in Machakos County " This project has already been in progress since August 15th 2023 and will be running all the way to June 15th 2024. The main ideology of this project is to empower Persons With Albinism through Inclusive Policies and Services in Machakos County.

A picture of climate change action champions in Machakos county discussing matters around albinism.

A picture of climate change action champions in Machakos county discussing matters around albinism.


The project's multifaceted objectives include: 

Policy Review- This phase will involve a comprehensive examination of Machakos County's policies related to COVID-19 recovery and disability inclusion, with a focus on their inclusivity for Persons With Albinism and people with disabilities (PWDs) in general. It aims to identify areas for improvement to ensure inclusive post-Covid-19 recovery efforts.

Advocacy and Capacity Building- This component aims to equip PWAs and their allies with advocacy skills and knowledge about disability challenges, rights, and policies. Training programs will cover various aspects of advocacy, including effective communication, media engagement, fundraising and fostering a cadre of advocates for PWAs' rights in Machakos County. 

Inclusive Interventions - The project will focus on developing targeted interventions to address the unique challenges faced by PWAs, encompassing areas such as healthcare access, education, and economic empowerment. These interventions will aim to create a more inclusive environment where PWAs can thrive. 

Collective Action - By fostering unity and solidarity among PWAs in Machakos County, the project will empower them to advocate for their socio-economic inclusion. Collective action amplifies their voices, making a compelling case for policy changes.

A picture of climate change action champions creating albinism awareness in the village, Machakos County.

A picture of climate change action champions creating albinism awareness in the village,Machakos County.


The project execution comprises various critical steps: 

Policy Analysis - This phase will involve an in-depth review of Machakos County's policy documents related to Covid-19 recovery and disability inclusion. It seeks to assess the extent to which these policies accommodate the needs and rights of PWAs, identifying gaps and areas for improvement. 

Best Practices Research- The project will conduct a comprehensive desk study to identify effective strategies for inclusive recovery programs for PWAs, leveraging online resources, articles, reports, and expert consultations to inform its interventions. 

Inclusive Consultations- PWAs will be engaged in reflective discussions regarding the impact of Covid-19, sharing their experiences, challenges, and priorities. These consultations will inform future interventions and policies, ensuring they address PWAs' concerns effectively. 

Inclusion Influencers- Influential individuals committed to disability rights advocacy, grassroots mobilization, and community engagement will be selected for training. These advocates  will be the champions for PWAs' rights in Machakos County. 

Advocacy Training- The Participants will undergo comprehensive training covering disability challenges, rights, policies, and advocacy skills. They will gain expertise in various advocacy strategies, enabling them to drive collective action on identified priorities. 

Advocacy Plans- Participants will develop strategic advocacy plans to guide their activities, promoting collaboration with government agencies and the legislature to enact policy reforms. 

A group of persons in a village during an outreach to create awareness.

A group of persons in a village during an outreach to create awareness.

Stakeholder Engagement- The project will convene meetings with county assembly members, ministry representatives, professional bodies, and other stakeholders to facilitate the exchange of experiences and priorities. These discussions center on policy recommendations and implementation strategies. 

Dissemination and Advocacy - Inclusion Influencers will play a crucial role in disseminating policy recommendations through public participation forums, county assembly proceedings, and social media platforms, bridging the gap between PWAs and decision-makers. 

ICA Materials- Information, Communication, and Advocacy materials will be created, including infographics, posters, brochures, and social media content, to raise awareness about policy recommendations and findings. 

The "Empowering PWAs through Inclusive Policies and Services in Machakos County" project aims to dismantle the barriers that have marginalized PWAs, promoting inclusivity, empowerment, and positive change in the post-COVID-19 era especially in Machakos County.        


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