•  01/24/2024 08:30 AM

Discover the focal point of our project in collaboration with the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and our end game with the project.

  •  01/22/2024 09:00 AM

Discover the inspiring journey of Olive Namutebi, who transitioned from number crunching as an accountant to making a significant impact as a human rights activist. This blog post delves into how she redirected her career towards advocating for the marginalized, her motivations, the challenges faced, and the victories achieved in her new life's mission.

  •  01/15/2024 05:15 AM

Above attached is Black Albinism's newsletter for the year 2023. In the newsletter, we highlight the achievements and success stories from 2023 and visions for the new year 2024. Enjoy!

  •  10/23/2023 01:50 PM

We were recently featured in the United Nation General Assembly's report on the effects of climate change on persons with albinism!!! This is a win not only to our organization but also to the albinism community at large.