18 Dec

Under The Same Sun (UTSS) is a remarkable organization committed to empowering individuals with albinism through a dual approach- education and advocacy. This organization is primarily based in Tanzania, having existed for 15 years now. UTSS has made significant strides in breaking the cycle of injustice, poverty, and marginalization that people with albinism often face.

A mother without albinism carrrying a child with albinism

A mother without albinism carrying a child with albinism

The Education and Career Program 

UTSS's flagship initiative, the Education and Career Program, is at the forefront of its mission- to empower persons with albinism in Tanzania. By providing individuals with albinism with access to quality education and career preparation, the organization aims to equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue their dreams. Education, as UTSS emphasizes, becomes a powerful tool for advocacy, enabling individuals with albinism to be their own ambassadors for change.

A male student standing in class

A male student standing in class

The UTSS Education Program ensures a safe and inclusive learning environment that caters to the unique needs of students with albinism. The organization partners with the Village of Hope Mwanza in placing students with albinism in select boarding schools, offering protection, integration, and essential tools for learning. 

Two girls with albinism standing along the school corridor

Two girls with albinism standing along the school corridor

From primary school to post-secondary education, the program is supported by donors, allowing young people with albinism to complete their schooling with ease. Graduates of the program receive ongoing support through the Career Program, which provides guidance, job search training, and internship opportunities. The emphasis is on facilitating a seamless transition from education to meaningful careers, fostering independence and self-advocacy skills.

Two ladies in their graduation gowns

Two ladies in their graduation gowns

Advocacy Initiatives 

UTSS recognizes the pivotal role of advocacy in creating a more inclusive society for persons with albinism. Through public education campaigns in Tanzania and beyond, the organization has been instrumental in dispelling myths and misconceptions about albinism. The Understanding Albinism seminars, TV and radio programs, and collaborations with community leaders have significantly contributed to a decrease in attacks and killings of people with albinism in Tanzania.

A lady with albinism education children on albinism

A lady with albinism education children on albinism

Pan Africa Advocacy    

While UTSS has achieved success in Tanzania, the rise of attacks in other African countries underscores the need for a broader impact. The organization has expanded its advocacy efforts across Africa, sharing its successful model to raise awareness and protect the rights of individuals with albinism.

A lady with albinism educating the public on matters albinism

A lady with albinism educating the public on matters albinism

International Advocacy 

UTSS's commitment extends beyond national borders. Active engagement at the United Nations, the African Union, and in international media allows the organization to bring global attention to the human rights issues faced by people with albinism. The message remains consistent: individuals with albinism deserve the same rights and opportunities as everyone else.

A lady with albinism educating students about albinism

A lady with albinism educating students about albinism


Since its inception in 2008, UTSS has cared for and empowered over 400 students with albinism, providing not only education but also crucial healthcare for their unique needs. The organization's advocacy and public awareness campaigns have reached millions, fostering a positive change in perceptions and decreasing attacks on people with albinism. In 2021, UTSS expanded its impact by leading the administration of the first and only albinism movement through the African Albinism Network. This demonstrates the organization's commitment to creating lasting change for persons with albinism across the continent.

A student with albinism learning in a classroom

A student with albinism learning in a classroom

Under The Same Sun's holistic approach, combining education and advocacy, is transforming the lives of individuals with albinism. By breaking down barriers and challenging stereotypes, UTSS is paving the way for a more inclusive and compassionate society where everyone, regardless of their pigment or vision, can thrive and contribute meaningfully.

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