04 Dec

For the past eight years, the National Association of People with Albinism in Togo (ANAT) has been a steadfast presence in the lives of over 500 beneficiaries with albinism, striving to make a meaningful impact across four key areas of intervention: Health, Education, Economic and Professional Inclusion, and Social Inclusion. Founded in March 2012 by Souradji OURO-YONDOU, a person with albinism deeply moved by the vulnerabilities faced by his community, ANAT has evolved into an anchor of support and advocacy. The organization addresses the dual challenges of sun exposure and societal stigmatization faced by individuals with albinism in Togo.

ANAT's history is one marked by passion and commitment. Initiated by Souradji OURO-YONDOU and Nassirou BOUKARI, both persons with albinism and university students at the time, ANAT officially came into existence on March 3, 2012, following a constitutive general assembly. Registered as an NGO in 2014 and recognized by the Togolese State in 2017, ANAT has steadily grown, clocking its eleventh anniversary this year with an extensive network of beneficiaries spanning twenty prefectures across Togo's five regions.

A group photo of persons with albinism from ANAT during a conference

The overarching goal of ANAT is to enhance the living conditions of PWAs in Togo by championing their rights and well-being. With a visionary aim for a Togo where all individuals with albinism experience moral, physical, social, and economic prosperity, ANAT strategically intervenes in health, education, socio-economic and professional integration. The organization's objectives include improving the prevention and treatment of skin and eye diseases, promoting the education of young individuals with albinism, and enhancing their socio-economic and professional integration.

To realize these objectives, ANAT employs a multifaceted approach, focusing on strategic and operational planning, capacity strengthening for effective coordination, advocacy, and partnership development. Additionally, the organization emphasizes raising awareness to foster behavioral change, particularly in advocating for the socio-economic inclusion of individuals with albinism. ANAT's commitment lies not only in addressing the immediate challenges faced by PWAs but also in fostering an environment where they can actively participate in the development of the country.


 Since its establishment in 2012, the National Association of People with Albinism in Togo (ANAT) has been primarily focused on initiatives geared towards enhancing the health and well-being of individuals with albinism (PWAs). ANAT's health interventions are designed to fortify both the prevention and management of skin and eye diseases among individuals with albinism. In the realm of prevention, the organization conducts awareness campaigns and facilitates the complimentary distribution of sun protection kits, comprising sun cream, wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses, and long-sleeved shirts. 

The president of ANAT visiting a sunscreen production factory

The president of ANAT visiting a sunscreen production factory

Regarding treatment, the current emphasis is on addressing skin diseases. ANAT collaborates with dermatologists from the Togolese Society of Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Infections (SOTODERM) and surgeons from the maxillofacial surgery department of the Sylvanus Olympio University Hospital Center (CHU SO) in Lomé. Dermatologists offer consultations and employ cryotherapy to treat precancerous skin lesions, while surgeons perform operations to remove cancerous or suspicious lesions. A comprehensive monitoring system for treated persons with albinism involves public health centers, dermatologists, surgeons, and the ANAT health manager, ensuring ongoing support and follow-up.


ANAT is unwavering in its dedication to fostering inclusive and equitable education for children and young individuals with albinism in Togo. The organization strategically addresses this commitment through two essential avenues. Firstly, ANAT endeavors to enhance the provision of education by conducting impactful awareness campaigns and engaging in advocacy efforts to promote a more inclusive educational environment. By advocating for systemic changes, ANAT seeks to create a space where educational opportunities are readily accessible to all, irrespective of physical differences. 

Students in a classroom

Students in a classroom

Secondly, ANAT actively provides direct support to underprivileged students with albinism. Through targeted interventions, the organization aims to eliminate barriers that may hinder the educational pursuits of individuals with albinism, thereby ensuring that they have the necessary resources and support to thrive academically. In these dual efforts, ANAT endeavors to transform the educational landscape for children and young people with albinism, fostering an environment where they can pursue education with dignity and equality.


To address the persistent challenges faced by people with albinism in Togo, ANAT has embarked on a mission to enhance their economic and professional inclusion, recognizing the need for sustainable solutions. The organization has set a comprehensive objective to achieve this, employing multifaceted strategies. Firstly, ANAT engages in advocacy initiatives directed at the Togolese government and its development partners, urging a heightened focus on improving the living and working conditions of people with albinism.

A vendor in her stall

A vendor in her stall

The intended outcome of this advocacy is for the government to endorse and implement pertinent measures outlined in the regional action plan on albinism in Africa. Additionally, ANAT is actively involved in supporting professional training, employability initiatives, and the implementation of income-generating activities. Through these efforts, ANAT seeks to not only enhance the economic prospects of individuals with albinism but also ensure their physical integrity is safeguarded in the pursuit of sustainable livelihoods.


 In Togo, the discrimination faced by people with albinism takes various distressing forms, including pervasive stigmatizing prejudices, family abandonment, and the harsh rejection of women giving birth to children with albinism. Women with albinism are particularly vulnerable to societal stigmatization. This unrelenting societal bias has led to some individuals with albinism, especially women and girls, to internalize a sense of inferiority, perceiving themselves as second-class citizens with diminished worth. 

A picture of persons with albinism and others without

A picture of persons with albinism and others without

Tragically, certain communities resort to acts of infanticide against newborns with albinism, as reported by credible sources, adding a grim dimension to the challenges faced by this community. In September 2017, a two-year-old child with albinism was abducted and murdered in Dapaong, resulting in a legal response that saw the perpetrators sentenced to 45 years of criminal imprisonment in November 2019. The root cause of this social rejection and violence lies in widespread ignorance about albinism, particularly in rural areas. 

To counteract this, ANAT has initiated a two-pronged approach, aiming to raise public awareness about albinism and promote a positive image of those affected. Through extensive, ongoing awareness campaigns across the national territory, ANAT seeks to foster a better understanding of albinism, challenging societal perceptions and diminishing discrimination and stigmatization. By showcasing the talents and qualities of individuals with albinism who have overcome social exclusion, ANAT aims to propagate self-esteem and facilitate the social integration of this marginalized population.

A vendor in her stall

A vendor in her stall

In conclusion, the National Association of People with Albinism in Togo (ANAT) stands as a formidable force in the relentless pursuit of justice and equality for individuals with albinism. Over the course of its eight-year presence, ANAT has emerged as a beacon of advocacy, working tirelessly to address the multifaceted challenges faced by people with albinism in Togo. From the critical areas of health and education to economic and professional inclusion, ANAT's interventions have been comprehensive and impactful. The organization's commitment to raising awareness and challenging societal prejudices has not only shed light on the struggles of those with albinism but has also actively contributed to reshaping public perceptions.

ANAT's initiatives, including advocacy with the government, support for education, and economic empowerment, underscore a holistic approach to fostering positive change. As a result, ANAT has played a pivotal role in not only elevating the status and rights of persons with albinism but also in fostering an environment where they can thrive, contribute meaningfully to society, and break free from the shackles of discrimination and stigma. The journey undertaken by ANAT reflects not just a mission but a profound commitment to building a more inclusive and compassionate Togolese society.

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