30 Oct

Albinism Umbrella is a distinguished organization based in Uganda, committed to raising awareness and advocating for the rights of individuals with albinism. Their multifaceted approach encompasses four key areas - health, social justice, livelihood, and security - aiming to uplift the lives of persons with albinism.

A picture of na umbrella with people beneath it, a logo of the Albinism Umbrella

Albinism Umbrella Logo


The health challenges encountered by individuals with albinism across the globe are immense and intense from lack of sunscreen, sunburns, skin cancer to limited access to health due to discrimination by healthcare providers. Albinism Umbrella recognizes the critical importance of access to medical services for persons with albinism and tries to ensure that no one falls through the cracks. They provide training to health workers in communities with a significant albinism population. By equipping these healthcare providers with the knowledge and skills to manage and assist individuals with albinism, the Albinism Umbrella aims to reduce the number of deaths due to lack of access to medical attention. 

A picture of a doctor and a person with albinism taking eye tests.

A picture of a doctor and a person with albinism taking eye tests.

Additionally, the organization goes the extra mile by ensuring that vulnerable families with members who have albinism can access essential items such as sunscreen and binoculars at no cost. This initiative is made possible through the support of the African Albino Foundation Netherlands (AAFU), demonstrating their commitment to alleviating the burdens carried by those with albinism.


Persons with albinism often face discrimination and prejudice from society due to their unique appearance. The Albinism Umbrella actively fights against such discrimination, by advocating for justice and equality. They have successfully pushed for the provision and printing of large font examination materials for learners with albinism, ensuring that they can participate in education without barriers.

One particularly poignant case highlights Albinism Umbrella's dedication to justice. A child with albinism was unjustly denied admission to a school's boarding section based on their "skin color." As the voice for individuals with albinism, the organization stepped in and engaged the Ministry of Education and Sports, along with the Equal Opportunities Commission, to address this issue. Following mediation, the school admitted their violation of the child's right to education, thus promoting justice and making amends for the damage caused. The child was eventually admitted to the boarding section.

A group photo of some persons with albinism and others without in Uganda.

A group photo of some persons with albinism and others without in Uganda.

Livelihood and Economic Empowerment 

Economic stability and self-sufficiency are essential for all individuals, including those with albinism. The Albinism Umbrella is committed to supporting their community members in achieving financial independence. They facilitate groups in their regional structures to apply for government programs like the special grant at the Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development, the disability grant at the district level, and the Youth Livelihood program.

Moreover, the Albinism Umbrella takes an active role in creating connections between qualified individuals with albinism and potential employers, fostering employment opportunities. Through their network of partners, which includes organizations like Pride Micro Finance, Duvet Lady, Strive for Jannah, X-Era, Fairway, and the Aga Khan Foundation, they have reached over 70 individuals with albinism, providing them with basic necessities such as food items, sunscreens, beddings, clothing, and face masks.

A picture of a lady with albinism with two kids with albinism.

A picture of a lady with albinism with two kids with albinism.

Ensuring Security and Fostering Empowerment

Insecurity is an unfortunate reality for individuals with albinism, as some people harbor dangerous beliefs about the magical powers attributed to their body parts. To combat this issue, Albinism Umbrella conducted a comprehensive mapping and profiling of individuals with albinism and their service providers across the four regions of Uganda.

This initiative aimed to assess the community's perception of individuals with albinism and facilitate group formation, a crucial step in advocacy and access to services. In the modern age, technology plays a pivotal role in ensuring security and justice. The Albinism Umbrella, in collaboration with BareFoot Law, has implemented a system that enables individuals with albinism to access legal services easily. Furthermore, they conduct human rights training in partnership with BareFoot Law and FIDA Uganda, ensuring that individuals with albinism and their communities are well-informed about their rights, how to defend them, and where to report violations.

People marching during a march in Lira, Uganda.

People marching during a march in Lira, Uganda.

The Albinism Umbrella is a symbol of hope and support for individuals with albinism in Uganda. Through their comprehensive approach, they are advocating for justice, promoting economic empowerment, and fostering a more secure environment for those with albinism. Their dedication and unwavering commitment are making a significant difference in the lives of individuals who have long been marginalized and underserved.

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